How To Make Your Home's Vinyl Siding Stand Out

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Replacing Your Windows With Efficient Varieties

If you have a cramped budget, small changes can make a huge difference. A few years ago, I realized that my windows seemed drafty, so I invested a little money into extra insulation and some window films. The insulation helped to keep climate controlled air from escaping through windowpanes, and the window films kept ultra violet light from heating up the inside of my house. This blog is all about replacing your windows with more efficient varieties, so that you don't have to worry about exorbitant energy bills. Check out these articles to learn how a few simple changes could improve your home.


How To Make Your Home's Vinyl Siding Stand Out

29 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When you are looking for a siding material for your home that's relatively maintenance free and durable, vinyl siding is what you should be considering. If you are worried about the material looking a bit bland on your home, know that there are things that can be done to customize the siding during the installation to make it stand out. Consider adding these features to improve the look.

Use Multiple Siding Styles

With so many different styles of vinyl siding to pick from, you don't have to limit yourself to using a single style over your entire home. With material that resembles natural wood, you can really customize the look of your home. For instance, you can use traditional lap siding throughout the home, but use siding that resembles shakes near features like the gables. It will look interesting, and prevent your home from looking like it is covered with siding.

Use Trim To Separate Siding Styles

If you do decide to use multiple styles of siding on your home, you can't just have them rest directly next to each other. You should be using a trim to differentiate between these two materials. Friezes can be used to separate different styles of siding, creating a distinct line between both materials. At the very least, a simple piece of trim will be necessary to separate the styles. Get creative with the placement of the trim, adding it beneath the eaves of the roof to give it some additional detail.

Use Composite Trim To Give Windows Detail

When your home has vinyl windows on it, you may feel like you don't have many options for trim when you get the window from the manufacturer. Thankfully, you can add trim to your windows at the same time that your vinyl siding is installed to make them look more interesting.

Have moldings or wide friezes installed along with the siding to make your vinyl windows stand out more with custom details. Now is also the time to have exterior window sills added to your vinyl windows, or have flower boxes placed beneath them.

If these features sound very appealing to you, contact a local vinyl siding contractor for more information. You can get a price quote customized to what you would need for your home, as well as get more ideas for ways that the vinyl siding can be spruced up to help your home stand out. For more information, visit websites like