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Replacing Your Windows With Efficient Varieties

If you have a cramped budget, small changes can make a huge difference. A few years ago, I realized that my windows seemed drafty, so I invested a little money into extra insulation and some window films. The insulation helped to keep climate controlled air from escaping through windowpanes, and the window films kept ultra violet light from heating up the inside of my house. This blog is all about replacing your windows with more efficient varieties, so that you don't have to worry about exorbitant energy bills. Check out these articles to learn how a few simple changes could improve your home.


4 Things You Need To Know About Window Frames

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in market to replace your windows, be sure that you think carefully about what type of window frame you want to put around your windows. Here are four things you need to know about your different window framing options. #1 Aluminum Is Affordable & Cold Aluminum window frames tend to be pretty affordable as well as strong. However, if you want your home to be as energy efficient as possible, aluminum window frames may not be the way to go. Read More …

Make Sure Your Mesh Fits Your Home’s Needs

4 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are purchasing and installing windows and doors, make sure that you purchase the right type of mesh to go with your new windows and doors. Here are a few specific ways that certain types of window screen mesh can fit your home's specific needs.  #1 Pet Resistant If you have dogs or cats in your house that like to go up to the windows and scratch their claws on the screen, you are going to want to install screens that are more sturdy and resistant to animal scratches. Read More …